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Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Blood Pressure Lowering Drugs fart?

Fart gas is naturally released by the body . However, because the digestive system is the result of the discharge , unpleasant aroma might make people faint . So what would happen if a fart should be eaten and used as a blood pressure -lowering drugs ?
In the normal frequency , farting is healthy because it indicates the digestive system especially the intestinal peristalsis to walk with a normal anus .
In addition to indicating the normal digestive system , according to a medical study conducted Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University , Nanjing , China , hydrogen sulfide contained in the fart has the ability to help reduce blood pressure .
However, researchers are still unsure of the amount needed to get the benefit and whether the patient is willing to accept the ' eat fart ' as a form of treatment .
Unpleasant smell farts comes from hydrogen sulfide , a substance that has been shown to be effective in controlling blood pressure in mice in an experiment at Johns Hopkins University . The results of this study have been published in the journal Science .
" Although this treatment potential , using gas ( flatus ) to treat high blood pressure remains to be tested in humans , " said Yao Yuyu , associate professor of Southeast University , as reported by haohaoreport .
According to Yao , the effective dose is still difficult to determine between humans and mice . In addition fart gas also has a negative effect on other parts of the body .

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