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Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

Manfaat Buah Semangka Dapat Mencegah Berbagai Macam Pernyakit

Apakah anda tahu lebih dalam tentang manfaat buah semangka ? 
Mungkin anda berfikir buah ini hanyalah tak lebih dari bola yang berisi banyak air ?
Jika anda berfikir demikian berikut ini adalah beberapa manfaat buah semangka yang wajib anda ketahui. Memangnya apa sih keistimewaan dati buah yang bernama latin citrullus lanatus ini ?

  • Semangka mengandung banyak sekali kalium yang sangat membantu dalam pembersihan racun-racun di ginjal. Selain itu, buah ini juga sangat membantu dalam mengurangi konsentrasi jumlah asam urat dalam darah, sehingga dapat mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya kerusakan ginjal dan pembentukan batu ginjal.
    manfaat buah semangka
  • Mencegah Tekanan Darah Tinggi dan Stroke.
    Buah semangka juga mengandung magnesium, yang  sangat baik dalam menurunkan tekanan darah. Selain  itu adanya karotenoid di dalamnya juga dapat mencegah pengerasan pada dinding arteri maupun pembuluh vena, sehingga dapat membantu mengurangi tekanan darah.
  • Para penderita diabetes seharusnya melakukan diet rendah gula. Semangka dapat menjadi salah satu pengganti gula alternatif karena rasanya yang manis namun rendah kadar gulanya. Selain itu, berbagai vitamin dan mineral di dalamnya membantu berfungsinya senyawa insulin dalam tubuh, sehingga menurunkan mampu tingkat gula darah.
  • Menjaga kesehatan jantung : Lypocene dan karotenoid ditemukan berlimpah di dalam semangka, meningkatkan fungsi jantung. Beta karoten, yang dikenal anti oksidan yang sangat baik juga membuat Anda tetap berjiwa muda dan mencegah penuaan dini.
  • Degenerasi makula : Adanya beta karoten, vitamin-C, Lutein dan Zeaxanthin dalam buah ini akan menjagasebagai alat perlindungan mata dari degenerasi makula. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut. Dan juga anti oksidan yang terkadung di dalamnya akan melindungi mata dari penyakit lainnya seperti pengeringan air mata dan saraf optik, glaukoma, dll.
  • Lypocene yang ditemukan sangat efektif dalam mencegah kanker karena mapu memperbaiki dan memperbaharui jaringan yang rusak. Semangka juga mengandung fitonutrien yang memiliki manfaat yang baik untuk menjaga fungsi kesehatan organ internal, mata, sistem sekresi, dll.

Pare Sebagai Penangkal Kanker

Kebanyakan orang tidak suka dengan pare karena rasanya yang pahit. Akan tetapi ada banyak sekali manfaat pare salah satunya dapat menjadi penangkal sel kanker. Penelitian di Jepang membuktikan khasiat pare terbukti ampuh menghentikan sel-sel kanker di dalam tubuh.

Dalam penelitian tersebut, mereka menggunakan tikus yang kemudian disuntik sel-sel kanker. Setelah itu tikus tersebut disuntik dengan ekstrak pare. Mereka mengamati perkembangan sel kanker yang ada pada tikus tersebut, dan hasilnya sel kanker pada tikus tersebut berhenti berkembang.
    manfaat pare
  • Mencegah Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker
    Di dalam pare terdapat zat yang bernama lesichin yang berfungsi untuk menguatkan sistem imun tubuh sehingga dapat mencegah pertumbuhan sel kanker. Jadi pare sendiri baik dikonsumsi oleh orang yang sehat untuk mencegah tumbuhnya sel kanker di dalam tubuh.
  • Manfaat Pare Untuk Kesehatan
    Selain sebagai penangkal sel kanker, manfaat pare yang lain adalah untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah yang disebabkan karena adanya zat insulin pada pada tanaman bernama latin momordica charantia ini. Zat-zat tersebut berperan dalam membantu proses reformasi glukosa menjadi energi.
  • Memperkuat Sistem Imun
    Pare juga mengandung banyak vitamin C yang berguna untuk memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh mencegah kerutan pada wajah, dan melindungi tubuh dari sinar ultra violet. Selain itu senyawa karoten di dalam sayuran ini juga sangat baik untuk menjaga kesehatan mata.

Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil studi lain oleh salah seorang peneliti di Jepang, manfaat pare juga sangat baik untuk menangakal radikal bebas karena pare banyak mengandung anti oksidan. Bagaimana sekarang anda sudah tertarik mengkonsumsi pare?

Beberapa Manfaat Buah Alpukat Bagi Kesehatan

manfaat buah alpukatInilah beberapa manfaat buah alpukat untuk kesehatan yang perlu anda ketahui. Mungkin dengan membaca artikel ini bagi anda yang tidak suka dengan buah yang bernama latin avocado ini akan berubah pikiran. Satu cangkir alpukat memiliki 23% dari nilai harian yang direkomendasikan folat. Studi menunjukkan bahwa orang yang makan diet kaya folat memiliki insiden lebih rendah dari penyakit jantung daripada mereka yang tidak. E vitamin, lemak tak jenuh tunggal, dan glutation dalam alpukat juga bagus untuk jantung Anda.
  • Manfaat buah alpukat selanjutnya berhasil ditemukan berdasarkan sebuah penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa nutrisi tertentu dapat diserap lebih baik bila dimakan bersama dengan alpukat. Dalam sebuah penelitian juga menunjukkan ketika seseorang memakan salad yang di dalamnya juga terdapat alpukat, dia mampu menyerap lima kali jumlah karotenoid lebih baik daripada mereka yang tidak memakan alpukat.
  • Mencegah Timbulnya Kanker
    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, senyawa yang terkandung dalam buah ini dapat mencari sel kanker yang baru timbul dan kemudian menghancurkannya tanpa merusak sel-sel kesehatan lainnya. Alpukat telah terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker terutama kanker prostat.
  • Membantu Turunkan Kolesterol
    Alpukat memiliki kandungan beta-sitosterol yang cukup tinggi, senyawa ini telah terbukti ampuh menurunkan kadar kolesterol. Dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ahli kesehatan, 45 orang sampel telah mengalami penurunan kolesterol rata-rata sebesar 17% setelah makan alpukat hanya dalam waktu satu minggu saja.
  • Mencegahan Stroke
    Tingginya senyawa folat di dalam buah alpukat juga mampu menjadi pelindung terhadap pernyakit stroke. Orang yang mengkonsumsi makanan yang kaya akan folat memiliki resiko jauh lebih rendah terkena stroke dari pada mereka yang tidak mengkonsumsinya sama sekali.
  • Menjaga Kesehatan Mata
    Manfaat buah alpukat yang terakhit adalah alpukat memiliki lebih banyak kandungan lutein lebih banyak jika dibandingkan dengan buah yang umum dikonsumsi lainnya. Lutein mampu melindungi mata terhadap degenerasi makula dan katarak.

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

The Body Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

Hi friends, health tips. carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins are substances that are needed by our body. Especially for vitamins, these substances are very important for our body needs in amounts according to the needs of our bodies. Many of these vitamins needed by our body, such as vitamins A, B, C, D and others. So have you sufficient vitamin needed by your body ....???

      Companions, health tips. can not be denied, vitamins indeed be a very useful substance for our body. These vitamins are found in fruits. Vitamin C such as citrus fruits and found that vitamin A may be seen in carrots. So important vitamins for our bodies. health tips will discuss body signs of vitamin deficiency:

  1. Diseases such as night blindness , cataracts , respiratory infections , immune deficiencies and unhealthy skin are your symptoms of vitamin A deficiency You can prevent it by eating foods rich in vitamins A lyang such as milk , fish , green and yellow vegetables , liver , red fruits and yellow ( red pepper , carrot banana , papaya , etc. ) .
  2. Symptoms such as easily wound infection , bleeding gums , pain in joints is a symptom of your lack of vitamin C. You can prevent it by consuming foods that contain lots of vitamin C such as guava stone , citrus fruits , tomatoes , pineapple , fresh vegetables and other so on.
  3. Symptoms such as immune deficiencies , dry and scaly skin , dry mouth , cracked lips , and mouth sores a symptom of vitamin B2 deficiency you . You can prevent it by consuming foods that contain lots of vitamin B2 is found in fresh vegetables , soybeans , egg yolks and milk . 
  4.  Symptoms such as disorders of the nerves and muscles , the cause of infertility in men and women is a symptom you are deficient in vitamin E. You can prevent it by consuming foods that contain lots of vitamin E found in fish , chicken , egg yolk , sprouts , yeast , vegetable oil . 
  5. Symptoms are easily damaged tooth , muscle seizures , abnormal bone growth are your symptoms of vitamin D deficiency You can prevent it by consuming foods that contain lots of vitamin D is found in oily fish , milk , eggs , cheese . 
  6. Symptoms of anemia or anemia , easy fatigue , fatigue , lethargy , weakness , skin diseases are your symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency . You can prevent it by consuming foods that contain lots of vitamin B12 found in eggs , liver , and meat . 
  7. Symptoms are easy muscle cramps , insomnia , skin chapped and flaky are you deficiency symptoms of vitamin B5 . You Dapa prevented by consuming foods that contain lots of vitamin B5 is found in meat , milk , vegetables , liver , green beans . 
Such health tips which ascertains an article about the 7 signs of vitamin deficiency body. Hopefully you are more concerned about nutrition and vitamins for healthy body.

Easy Tips to Eliminate Tired In Your Body

Hi friends, health tips. Daily activities that never stop making us feel tired throughout the body once. We wanted to leave the routine. All students or employees must have felt a sense of tired of all the activities that have been undertaken each day. So what have you done to eliminate the fatigue felt by our bodies ...???
      Companions, health tips. Tired of tiredness that is felt by our body and mind, when an activity that both the energy drain energy and mind on the run at a time. When the body feels tired of the activities we do next will be disrupted. The easiest way we can do that is with a quick break. But actually there are some tips that help you relieve fatigue on your body. health tips, the following will discuss thoroughly. Here are tips to eliminate fatigue on your body:

  1. Get used for breakfast before starting your activity. This is because with breakfast each morning before the move the mind and condition your body to be more stable than those who skipped breakfast. So that fatigue can be reduced or even disappear on your body in between your activities with morning breakfast routine.
  2. Eat regularly with a variety of foods that contain the nutrients required by our body, be it carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and foods that have high fiber content. Thus prevent you from feeling tired after a long day, because our bodies maintained their health and make our body more stable.
  3. Eat foods that contain fiber . It dikarenan with emphasis on fibrous foods will give you more energy in our body . So it is not easily tired in all our activities .Drink water our body needs . Most good is 8 glasses a day can be . This is because the water will facilitate the flow of blood to all the cells and organs of our body . So the faster circulation and fatigue will be reduced .
  4. Listening to music that you like is one of the effective ways to eliminate fatigue in your body . so after the completion of the move would not hurt to listen to music that you like to sit back . This will help eliminate the fatigue .
  5.  Seeing a comedy show on television is also able to eliminate fatigue you experience after the move .
  6.  With a laugh off all the load on the tired mind and your body will disappear without you realizing it .
  7.  Before the shower after activities that make you tired , try to wash your face with cold water first. It can also help relieve fatigue that plague the body and mind .  
Such health tips peeling 7 easy tips to eliminate fatigue in your body. Hopefully you are more productive in every routine that you do.

Keeping Secrets Always Durability For a Healthy Body

Having a healthy body is the desire of every person , including you . By staying healthy , MKA activities we do can run smoothly and in accordance with our expectations . With Healthier anyway , so we do not have to spend the time and expense to buy drugs or go to the hospital . So we should always be grateful to the health favors of Almighty God that is given to us all .
    Companions , health tips . Healthy size that is when we are able to keep the immune system from diseases that attack always hit like fever , flu , cough and others. Then how we can keep the immune system the right to keep healthy and fit every day .... ? ? ? . The following health tips are tips keep the immune system to keep it healthy :

  1.     Adequate rest every day , is one of the factors to keep your immune system 
  2.  In a healthy body there is a calm mind and healthy too . So try to always think positive for any problems that hit us . 
  3. Every morning , try to always do regular exercise . It aims to maintain the condition of the body to keep it fit and healthy .
  4. Always make sure that the food you 've eaten already in hygienic or clean or wash thoroughly cooked perfect . 
  5. Eat reasonable portions do not overdo it . In fear of your body will become obese and at risk of disease associated with being overweight or obese . 
  6.  Fill fibrous foods every day . Fibrous foods are apples , carrots and beans . The function of these fibrous foods that keep the body from bacteria . 
  7.  Meet the needs of vitamin D. Because vitamin D is working to stimulate immune cells to ward off viruses and bacteria . Vitamin D can be found in sunlight , eggs , liver and fish .
 So called health tips tips keep the immune system to keep it healthy . Hopefully useful and useful for you .

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Blood Pressure Lowering Drugs fart?

Fart gas is naturally released by the body . However, because the digestive system is the result of the discharge , unpleasant aroma might make people faint . So what would happen if a fart should be eaten and used as a blood pressure -lowering drugs ?
In the normal frequency , farting is healthy because it indicates the digestive system especially the intestinal peristalsis to walk with a normal anus .
In addition to indicating the normal digestive system , according to a medical study conducted Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University , Nanjing , China , hydrogen sulfide contained in the fart has the ability to help reduce blood pressure .
However, researchers are still unsure of the amount needed to get the benefit and whether the patient is willing to accept the ' eat fart ' as a form of treatment .
Unpleasant smell farts comes from hydrogen sulfide , a substance that has been shown to be effective in controlling blood pressure in mice in an experiment at Johns Hopkins University . The results of this study have been published in the journal Science .
" Although this treatment potential , using gas ( flatus ) to treat high blood pressure remains to be tested in humans , " said Yao Yuyu , associate professor of Southeast University , as reported by haohaoreport .
According to Yao , the effective dose is still difficult to determine between humans and mice . In addition fart gas also has a negative effect on other parts of the body .